World Premiere on 4K UHD & North American Premiere on Blu-ray
Join the Joie de Vivre club with the maddeningly charming Lola, as she plots to loosen up her fiancé in this exuberant sexy comedy. Everyone is wild about Lola – even, some suspect, her own stepfather.
Frivolous Lola is Tinto Brass’ most likable film, Cult Epics presents the 4K UHD Blu-ray world premiere with new and vintage bonus features.
4K UHD Exclusive & Trade Edition w/Lobby Card Postcards
Italy / 1998 / Color / Aspect ratio 1.85:1 / 105 Mins / English & Italian Language with optional English subtitles / DTS-HD 2.0 Stereo/DTS-HD 5.1 Surround
Italy / 1998 / Color / Aspect ratio 1.85:1 / 105 Mins / English & Italian Language with optional English subtitles / DTS-HD 2.0 Stereo/DTS-HD 5.1 Surround
Italy / 1998 / Color / Aspect ratio 1.85:1 / 105 Mins / English & Italian Language with optional English subtitles / DTS-HD 2.0 Stereo/DTS-HD 5.1 Surround
“Pushing the limits of what was acceptable in erotic films, Brass creates another heroine here who joyfully defies the conventions of virginity and marriage with a gusto that still feels refreshingly brash.” –
“Frivolous Lola is Brass at his playful best, a movie that is as sexy as it is charming highlighted by a great performance from the beautiful Anna Ammirati. Cult Epics gives the movie the treatment that it deserves with this release, presenting it in an excellent presentation and with a nice selection of extra features. Essential!” –
“An erotic sex romp for sure but one that strays away from the harder-edged softcore of some of Brass’s work, but still chock full of titillating scenes of Lola dancing for American soldiers in front of jukebox, an extended masturbation scene, peeping through keyholes, and fantasizing about an encounter of pleasure cruise, all of it gorgeously shot with a voyeuristic eye by Massimo Di Venanzo (Black Angel), with a romanticized, soft-focus gauzy lensing. Buy it!” –
“This is exactly what you wanted to watch on Cinemax After Dark. Tinto Brass astounds the eyes with a mix of bawdy and classy.” –
“Not only are fans of Brass going to be happy with the technical presentation of the restoration, but those curious of Brass’s work will likely find themselves far more likely to explore the filmmaker’s catalog after watching this one. –
“Cult Epics has recently released a pair of the erotica master’s films from the end of his golden age onto 4K UHD with separate releases of All Ladies Do It (1992) and Frivolous Lola (1998). Both titles come loaded with extras including audio commentaries and stunning transfers of the films.” – Ink19
“Cult Epics is doing amazing things with these Tinto Brass releases. They’re like my Criterion collection, as they release the movies that I truly care about.” Bands about Movies
All products in this store actively support the future releases of Cult Epics. All items are original Cult Epics brand.